Message from the author:

Hi! I have made it my life's mision to introduce personal finance management and wealth creation to ALL ordinary Filipinos. Please join my cause by sharing this site to all Pinoys you know.

I believe that INFORMATION IS KEY. Read my articles below and be informed. Help me start building dreams today. Spread the word. One day at a time, one Filipino soul at a time.

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Thank you for your kind hearts.

Monday 21 March 2011

Why create wealth?

I read somewhere: "Do not ever forget the Golden Rule ---- He who has the gold, makes the rules"

In the Philippines, almost everyone i know is poor. Being poor is like the most common thing. I wonder why we have become a nation of poor people.

With this blog, i aim to challenge you, readers to "think out of the box". To first and foremost get to the bottom of the whys, and try to find ways to get to the hows.

To be frank about it, to most of us, our parents - like their parents, did a sloppy job making us  realize the value of creating wealth. So here's our chance to correct those past mistakes and make sure our children never suffer like we did - or at least not know how it is to live among a neighbor or a friend or a kin who is dirt-poor. The experience is all too traumatic. Unless we do something about it now, we'll be joining our parents and their parents in the fold.

So why create wealth? Simple - we want change!!!  

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